Your sidekick for effortless cleaning

Innovative and market leader, Spontex offers efficient and easy-to-use products, to make the housework more enjoyable, more efficient and more quick. Because we know that there is always something better to do than housework!

Brand Territorial Presence

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An expert in protecting your hands

Mapa develops innovative products that fit your needs, to protect your hands in all your housework and gardening activities.

Brand Territorial Presence

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Reveals a woman's natural beauty

Because the skin is the most important asset of a woman's beauty, Calypso creates products that help reveal the body and skin's natural beauty.

Brand Territorial Presence

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Virulana makes household chores easier and faster

Virulana offers innovative products in scouring, wiping and floor cleaning. Every generation of products makes housework easier, practical and more efficient.

Brand Territorial Presence

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